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Seung-taek Lee 이승택 Non-Art: The Inversive Act

Dec 4, 2020

The retrospective exhibition Lee Seung Taek’s Non-Art: The Inversive Act of Seung-taek Lee, the forerunner of Korean experimental art, is now open at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul. This large-scale exhibition sheds light on the Lee’s sixty-year-long artistic journey, where the artist has consciously been blurring the boundaries between art and non-art. About 250 works across mediums such as installation, sculpture, painting, photography, land art and performance art, and ten monumental works from the 1960s and 1970s including Growth(Tower) and Wind are reproduced for the exhibition. "My view was inverted. My thought process was inverted. My life in this world was inverted." The experimental spirit of the master, who constantly challenged the established notion of what art is, will leave the viewers with a strong impression.⠀

Image: Lee Seung Taek, Wind, 1970/2020. Image provided by MMCA

Installation view of "Lee Seung Taek’s Non-Art: The Inversive Act." Image provided by MMCA
Installation view of "Lee Seung Taek’s Non-Art: The Inversive Act." Image provided by MMCA

한국 실험미술의 선구자 이승택의 회고전 《이승택-거꾸로, 비미술》이 국립현대미술관 서울에서 열렸다. 미술과 비미술의 경계를 허물며 이어진 작가의 60여 년 예술 여정을 조망하는 대규모 전시다. 설치, 조각, 회화, 사진, 대지미술, 행위미술 등 장르를 넘나들며 제작된 250여 점을 대거 선보이며, <성장(오지탑)>, <바람> 등 1960~70년대에 발표된 기념비적 작품 10여 점을 재제작해 발표한다. “나는 세상을 거꾸로 보았다. 거꾸로 생각했다. 거꾸로 살았다”라고 선언하며 끊임없이 도전한 거장의 실험정신이 묵직한 감동을 선사한다. ⠀
