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Chung Sang-Hwa 정상화 : Excavations, 1964–78

May 27, 2020

"In my work, the process of eliminating and applying are the same - completely equeal to each other. As the work comes together, you can see the surface take shape - the highs and lows within the flat surface. In the end, it is all about the overall feeling that the canvas delivers, and the artists should always be mindful of that. At the same time, I need to think about details of the highs and the lows at all times." - Chung Sang-Hwa

Published in conjunction with Lévy Gorvy’s exhibitions in London and New York, both titled Chung Sang-Hwa: Excavations, 1964–78, this catalogue highlights a critical period in the artist’s career in which he was immersed in the international avant-garde movements of both Asia and Europe. Published by Lévy Gorvy and Gallery Hyundai, this fully illustrated volume includes an essay by notable critic Barry Schwabsky, a translated excerpt from the writings of Shin Young-Bok by Harvard professor David McCann, and an interview with Chung Sang-Hwa by Bona Yoo. 

Price: $ 40.00 ⠀
Available at Gallery Hyundai reception desk⠀⠀
Inquiry: 02-2287-3500

Installation view of the exhibition “Chung Sang-Hwa: Excavations, 1964–78” in Lévy Gorvy, New York, 2019 © Chung Sang-Hwa Courtesy Gallery Hyundai, Seoul and Lévy Gorvy, New York. Photo: Elisabeth Bernstein
Installation view of the exhibition “Chung Sang-Hwa: Excavations, 1964–78” in Lévy Gorvy, New York, 2019 © Chung Sang-Hwa Courtesy Gallery Hyundai, Seoul and Lévy Gorvy, New York. Photo: Elisabeth Bernstein

《정상화 : 발굴, 1964-78》는 레비 고비 뉴욕과 런던을 순회한 동명의 전시를 위해 제작되었다. <정상화: 발굴, 1964-78>전은 작가가 1960-70년대 파리-고베-파리 등을 오가며 아시아와 유럽을 비롯한 국제 아방가르드 운동에 깊은 영감을 받았던 시기에 제작한 주요 작품을 ‘발굴’해 소개했다. 전시의 출품작은 정 화백이 50년 동안 펼친 창작 활동의 개념적, 기법적 전개 과정을 집약하며, 그가 이후 전개한 독창적이고 정교한 ‘들어내고 메우는’ 작업 방식을 예고한다. 도록에는 평론가 베리 슈왑스키의 에세이, 신용덕의 시, 그리고 정상화 작가와 레비 고비의 디렉터 유현이의 인터뷰가 수록되어 있다.

가격: 4만 5천 원⠀⠀
판매처: 갤러리현대 데스크 ⠀⠀
문의: 02-2287-3500
